Balanced Alignment Ayurveda

Our new membership organization, Balanced Alignment Ayurveda, represents more than just a fresh name. It is lawfully established as an unincorporated medical church ministry operating within the private domain of law. This transition marks our evolution into a private membership organization dedicated to practicing the true art and science of medicine. And it comes with a great many benefits. Not only are we be protected from governmental threat and restriction, this framework empowers each of our members to interact freely as responsible private citizens. This lays the foundation to build a vibrant ecosystem of goods and services focused on one thing and one thing only – elevating your health and happiness. There’s a lot to look forward to and I’m deeply grateful for every single person that has contributed so far. Together we are the change makers, individuals choosing the road less traveled. We’re claiming our power and responsibility for our health carving out a new normal to build a new reality.

Cheers, namaste, and God bless you.

Daryl Roberts

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